North English Church (1916-40)
The Gospel Messenger June 17, 1916 page 397 Vol. 65 No. 25 North English. – May 2 the elders of the English River congregation organized the members on the north side of the river into a separate organization. We will now be recognized as the North English congregation. Eld. D. Miller was chosen as elder in charge, and other necessary office were elected. We met in our first quarterly council June 3, with good attendance. Elder D. P. Miller presided. Bro. Jasper E. Smith was reelected as Sunday-school superintendent. It was decided to have communion services in connection with our revival this fall. Sunday June 3, a missionary sermon was given, and a collection of $14.07 was taken for the Annual Conference. – Mrs. Gertrud Miller, South English, Iowa, June 6. |