Missouri Valley Church (1874-92)
Primitive Christian Aug. 14, 1877 page 499 Vol. 5 No. 49 Brother L. S. Snyder, of the Missouri Valley church, says: I am glad to learn that you are prospering both temporally and spiritually. Our little church here is trying to live in obedience to the gospel teaching, and we have now pretty good congregations, and many are almost persuaded to become Christians, and among there are some four or five of our leading Jews. Some have promised to join with us. Brother Robert Badger was with us, and we had four very good meetings, and one council meeting. Good attention was given to the preaching of the word. At this council meeting the territory was divided. The elders and largest body of members reside along the Solder River, and is therefore called the Soldier River church. Bro. Jno. H. Fillmore lived here a few years ago. The other part is called the Missouri Valley church. It is only a short distance from railroad junction. Trains leave in every direction, daily except Sunday.