Maquoketa Church (1855-1902)
The Gospel Messenger May 14, 1898 page 313 Vol. 36 No. 20 Lanark, III. From the Maquoketa Church, Iowa. This church was organized in 1856, comprising then Clinton, Jackson and Cedar Counties, Elders Daniel Fry, Christian Long and Enoch Eby constituted the committee to organize-, with fourteen members, Brethren Jacob Stutsman and Henry Hanes were the first brethren elected and installed into the deacon's office. Bro. Jonas DeHaven was the first minister to locate, coming from Indian Creek church, Pa, Bro. Sanger was the first brother elected to the ministry and Joshua Shultz the first minister ordained to the eldership. The church has been prospering all along until, about fifteen years ago, it had a membership of one hundred and twenty, "with one elder and three other ministers. Since then it has slowly dwindled down to about fifteen members, some dying, some joining the Old Order Brethren and still others moving away, until, at present, only a few members remain. Bro. Joshua Shultz is the elder and is eighty-one years old. On account of his age he is not able to do much church work. What is most needed here, for the good of the church, is, that a loyal, plain and active minister, with his family, move to the town of, or near, Lost Nation, and locate there, as there the Brethren have a substantial meetinghouse. This church belongs to the Middle District of Iowa, and the Mission Board should continue in its work, and, at the same time, try to get some minister with a family, and even other members, to move in. There are some good people living at Lost Nation that would unite with the church if the proper effort were put forth,. For further information about the church address Joshua Shultz, Elwood, Clinton Co,, Iowa. E. B. Lefever. May 3. |