Maple Valley Church (1876- ??)
Brethren at Work Jan. 22, 1877 page 4 Vol. II No. 4 From E. K. Beechly. – Bro. Jacob A. Murray and myself paid a visit Dec. 1st, 1876, to a little flock or band of brethren and sisters in Cherokee county, Iowa, 168 miles west of this place. They emigrated to Cherokee county from Northern Illinois: - names Keelin Leonard and wife, John Early and wife, two sons of Leonard and companions, Devore and wife, Organized a church named Maple Valley church. Bro. Early is a minister in the second degree, the elder Leonard is a deacon is a deacon, his son E. Leonard was set apart and installed into the deacon office whilst we were there. We had meeting with them, had good attention to preaching. Some more are almost persuaded to become Christians; may God grant them grace, that they may soon choose that good part with a many of old. The members in Maple Valley church are, we think a zealous little band of brethren and sisters. May God prosper them, and add unto them members, each as shall be saved. Waterloo, Iowa, Jan. 10, 1877.