Lake Park Church (1899-1908)
The Gospel Messenger July 1, 1899 page 412 Vol. 37 No. 26 Lake Park.—May 20 was the day set by the members of Dickinson County, Iowa, to be organized into a working body. Brethren Charles Hilary and J. E. Rolston were the elders chosen to do the work. Bro. F. B, Wolf, a resident minister will continue in the work, Bro, N. D. Metz, deacon, will attend to the duties of his office. Bro. Milo Rensberger was elected clerk; Aaron Montz, treasurer; Jessie Metz, solicitor; N. D. Metz, correspondent. Eld. Chas. Hilary, of Worthington, Minn., was chosen elder. Silver Lake was the name given to the church. We are now fully organized and equipped with the necessary officers to begin work for the Master. Our meetings are regular each Sunday. We have Sunday school at 10 A. M.; preaching, 11 A- M.; song services, 7: 30 P. M.; social meeting, 8 P. M. Our social meetings, as our Sunday school, are somewhat a union effort. Located as we are here, more good can be done in that way than in any other way. We take for our subjects the prayer meeting topics, as they are outlined in the Messenger. There are those here who do not belong to the church that take quite an interest and active part in both Sunday school and social meeting. We invite any and all ministers, passing through Lake Park, to stop off and meet with us. They will be met at the train by notifying the writer.-A. D. Metz, June 13. |