Ivester Church (Grundy County) (1867-)
Primitive Christian and Pilgrim Feb 6, 1877 page 92 Church News. Dear Editors. – I will try and give you an item of church new for the Primitive Christian and Pilgrim. The Grundy Church was organized in the year 1867, with twenty members. Henry P. Strickler was the Elder. The church increased slowly since its organization and in the fall of 1874, the north end of the Iowa river church was annexed to the Grundy church, by consent of both churches. It now numbers seventy-eight. In the last year ten were received by Holy ordinance of Baptism, one quite young, but not too young to obey. We trust they will prove valiant soldiers of the cross, to battle with the foe till their arduous work is done. In the part year, eight were received by letter. One year ago this winter we commenced to build, or to make preparation to build a meeting house, which was built the last summer. The house is 16x50, two stories high. On October 7th, we held out Lovefeast, the meeting held in the house, the ministerial assistance at our Lovefeast was Elder John Murray, David B. Martin, J. Holary and brother David T Williams, of Saline county, Mo. - He preached on the ordinances during the evening exercise, also next day. He also preached at different places, in Grundy, Hardin and Marshall counties. We hope that the seed sown will be as bread cast on the water, tht it may be found after many days, and be as food to hungry souls. O,may they appreciate the great privilege they enjoy in having the light of the Gospel. In Jesus was life, and the life was the light of men, Jesus is the true light which lighted every man that cometh into the world. If any of the Brethren emigrate or travel west, give us a call. We believe we have as good soil as can be found anywhere, and to ministering brethren, we desire to say, come over to Macedonia and help us, for the fields are white to harvest. J. W. Butterbaugh. Liscomb, Iowa January 27th, 1877.