Gillett Grove Church (1886-?)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 9 1886 page 695 vol. 24 No.45A Church Organized About one dozen of members living in Clay county, Iowa, have frequently called for preaching which was responded to. Those brethren who visited them and preached for the though best to have them organized, which was done Sept. 27. Bro. John Early and the writer met with the brethren and sisters residing in the county, a the home of Bro. Andrew J. Garvin, and , after adjusting difficulties, we proceeded with the organization. Two brethren were called to the ministry, namely, Simon Brollier and Alfred Reaves. One of their number, David Brollier, being a deacon, the organization was completed. The name of the organization is Gillett’s Grove church. They chose Bro. John Early for their elder. The brethren chosen to the ministry are promising young men and seem will to work. May they prove faithful and God’s blessing attend them. S. H. Miller
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 6, 1888 page 698 Vol. 26 No. 44 From Gillett's Grove Church, Iowa. Our feast is among the things of the past, and what was said and done will either stand for or against us in the day of judgment. We believe it was an enjoyable season to all present. On account of the weather being cool, and the meeting being in a tent, our congregation was smaller than it would have been if we had had a house of worship. Bro. 8. H. Miller did most of the preaching. We believe there were some very good impressions made on the minds of the people. On the day of our feast the members of Sheldon requested to be set off in a separate district. The church granted them the request. Bro. Samuel Fike, of Waterloo, one of the Missionary Board, addressed us on the subject of missionary work. On Sunday following the feast, Bro. A. H. Reeves and the writer were advanced to the second degree of the ministry. We sincerely ask the prayers of God's praying children in our behalf, that we may prove faithful in our calling! Simon Brallier.