Fernald Church (1916-60)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 4, 1916 page 712 Vol. 65 No. 45 The members in and around Fernald, Iowa, formerly connected with the Indian Creek church, have been set apart as a separate congregation, with the best of prospects for the future.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 4, 1916 page 714 Vol. 65 No. 45 REPORT OF DISTRICT MEETING OF THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF IOWA The District Meeting of Middle Iowa, with its auxiliary gatherings, was held in the Garrison church, Oct. 10, 11 and 12. Eld. J. Q. Goughnour, the retiring Moderator, had charge of the new organization which resulted as follows: Eld. C. B. Rowe, Moderator; Eld. A. M. Stine, Reading Clerk; Bertha Wise Royer, Writing Clerk. There was a delegate body of twenty-nine present, representing the sixteen churches of the District. The church which had been organized at Fernald was recognized at this meeting and it will be known as the Fernald church. Thirty of the forty-two ministers of the District were present. We were also favored with the presence of Eld. John Heckman, of Polo, Ill.; Eld. A. P. Blough, and Eld. W. H. Lichty, of Waterloo, Iowa; and Eld. D. W. Shock, of Grundy Center, Iowa. A number of queries were presented for consideration and all discussions were filled with the spirit of brotherly love, and the desire to advance Christ's Kingdom. One paper was passed on to the Annual Conference, asking that a committee be appointed to revise the Annual Meeting Minutes. Eld. H. A. Gnagy was chosen delegate on Standing Committee for 1917, with Eld. I. W. Brubaker, alternate. There was a full program each day, various lines of church activities were given attention,—Temperance, Child Rescue, Sunday-school work, Ministerial Problems and the Missionary Cause. A lively interest was manifest throughout. All the speakers were present, with but two exceptions and these had been provided for. On Wednesday evening Eld. I. W. Brubaker delivered a strong missionary appeal for home mission work, after which an offering of $308.60 was lifted, which will be divided between the Old Folks' Home and the mission work in Middle Iowa. The Garrison church is in the eastern part of the District, some distance from the churches which represent the larger percentage of the membership of the District, but the weather was ideal and one noticeable feature of the meeting was the large number of automobiles present, the majority of which traveled from 125 to 150 miles. The hospitality of the members of the Garrison church, as well as the citizens of the town, was amply shown by the manner in which the visitors were entertained and their temporal needs provided for. The next District Meeting will be held in the Dry Creek church, at Robins, Iowa, Oct. 9, 10 and 11, 1917. Oct. 16. Bertha Wise Royer, Writing Clerk. |