Des Moines: First Church (1912-48)
The Gospel Messenger No. 23, 1912 page 748 Vol. 61 No. 47 Des Moines.—At our members' meeting, last Tuesday evening, it was voted to organize as a separate congregation. The new officers will be elected at the next meeting, Wednesday Dec. 4. and enter upon their duties Jan. 1. Work on the new church is moving along as rapidly as could be expected. Plasterers are now at work, and if present plans carry out, we will dedicate before the new year. Attendance at preaching services and Thursday evening prayer meeting is very encouraging. Our young members are active in public prayer, testimony and song. They often put older Christians to shame by their zeal,—Virgil C. Pinnell. 1336 E. Tenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. 11.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 21, 1912 p 816 Vol. 61 No. 51 Des Moines.—With a charter membership of seventy-four, and a full corps of officers, the "First Church of the Brethren was organized in this city on Wednesday evening, Dec. 4. Elders W. E. West, M. W. EIkenberry and S. M. Goughnour were present. Bro. West presided. Bro. Goughnour was selected as our elder for one year. The writer will continue as pastor for another year. The trustees are Brethren O. L. Shaw, Ira D. Faidley and Horace M. Custer; treasurer, Kenneth E. Smith; clerk. Sister Edna H. Crowe; president of Christian Workers' Society, Sister Sarah Smith; Messenger correspondent. Sister Minnie Wilson. Various other offices and committees were arranged for. The Sunday-school cabinet is: Brethren Walter M. Royer. superintendent; Jesse L. Thomas, and the pastor. Teachers are to be selected by the cabinet, and installed at the annual consecration service, Sunday, Dec. 29, at which time Prof. Walter S. Athearn of Drake University, will deliver the address. With the splendid equipment at our disposal when we enter our new church, we- hope to do much more efficient service in the various departments of the church work than has been possible In the past. Our dedication has been set for Wednesday. Jan. 1. 1913. Further announcements next week- Plan to be with us.—Virgil C. Finnell, 1335 E. 16th St.. Des Moines. Iowa, Dec. 9, |