Dallas Center Church (1869 -)
The Gospel Messenger April 1870 page 125 Dear Editors: Having been a constant reader of your paper much devoted to the truth, I prize it dearly, as it contains much solid reading, and such as is, I think, edifying to its readers. And it also gives us considerable church news which I love to hear and learn that the ark of the Lord is moving on with success and that the brotherhood is spreading throughout God’s earth in these dark and doleful times. A few brethren of us that have chosen the West as our future home to plant the true religion and worship of great Jehovah emigrated to this part of the county last fall, to Dallas county, Iowa. There were 14 members of us who came, and there were four living here when we came. We appointed the 13th day of November last for a meeting, and organized a church. At present we number twenty three. We have one speaker, br. C. Long, who is well known throughout the fraternity of the brethren. We have also one deacon. And there is a good prospect of having a large church here before long. Our doctrine is strange to many people, yet they give the best attention to the word taught them. We desire the prayers of God’s children in our behalf, that we may be successful in building up the cause of Christ, for which he suffered and died. Your humble servant, John B. Diehl. Adel, Dallas Co., Iowa |