Council Bluffs Church (1913-)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 13, 1885 p 28 Vol. 23 No. 2 To Council Bluff's, Iowa. On Dec. 15, 1 left home for Council Bluffs. At State Center I was met by Eld. A. M. Dickey, of the State Center church, who was called by the Mission Board to labor in the mission at the Bluffs. We arrived safely, and were met by brother L. S. Snyder and conducted to his home, which is on the corner of 6th Avenue and Bluff Street, No. 533. This is where brother Snyder has built a neat and substantial brick church. It is 24x40, and two stories high. The lower story is, at present, divided into four rooms, one of which is a large kitchen. The whole lower part is intended for a dwelling, and is now occupied by Bro. Snyder. As the surface of the ground is quite rolling, the floor of the church-room is on a level with Bluff St., on which it fronts. The church-room is seated with chairs, is well lighted, and quite easy to speak in. It is called, by way of distinction, the "Bible-alone church," Bro. Snyder is desirous of having some minister come to his assistance, as the field is large, and growing years have impaired his activity, but not his zeal. The extreme cold weather, about the middle of December, was unfavorable for our meetings, although we had some good meetings, with an interest on the part of a few nearing the kingdom. The attendance was not large, yet we trust some good seed fell into good and honest hearts, that may bring forth fruit not many days hence. We distributed quite a number of tracts in the city, especially among the laboring classes. Brother and sister Snyder take great pleasure in caring for their guests, and especially desire ministering brethren, while passing through Council Bluff’s, to stop off with them and give them some meetings. I arrived home on Dec. 23, and found all well. John Zuck.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 16, 1913 page 523 Vol. 62 No. 33 COUNCIL BLUFFS MISSION, IOWA, Bro. W. D. Grove came to us July 20 and began a series of meetings, We were very fortunate to secure the use of the school grounds, just across the street from our mission, where we pitched a large tent for evangelistic services, The tent was filled nearly every night and many were seated and standing on the outside. One night it rained hard, but the tent was more than half full of hungry souls, eager to be fed from the truth of the Gospel, which Bro. Grove preached with power. He is an evangelist that is not afraid to preach the Word in its fullness, and to vindicate the doctrines of the church. The same morning when Bro. Grove came one young man put on Christ in baptism and thirteen were baptized yesterday,—nearly all adults and heads of families. Four more have expressed a desire to conic in, and will be baptized soon. We attribute much of the soul-saving to the united, earnest prayer meetings held previous to the protracted efforts. Aug. 2 Brethren Peter Browcr and D. F. Sink came, and together with Bro. Grove, convened in a District Mission Board Meeting. While they were here, the brethren and sisters at this place were called, together, and by a unanimous vote a church organization was effected. Bro. M. R. Weaver was chosen elder for one year, Bro. A. Lewis, clerk, Bro. Frank Stcgall, treasurer, and the writer, corresponding secretary, Yesterday morning, at the usual preaching hour, Bro. Peter Brower preached an able discourse, and at 4 P. M. we had the privilege of once more listening to our dear brother, Andrew Hutchison. It was his first discourse in the past six months. We are all glad that his physical strength is improving, and that he thinks he will be able to give us a scries of talks, beginning Aug. 17, We all feel very much encouraged in the great work for the Master, and with a renewed zeal we go forth in the same. All the different departments of the work are progressing nicely. Our Sunday-school lias a good attendance, even though the weather is extremely warm all times. All those that have experienced the trials of the work at a weak point, can appreciate the presence of a big automobile load of brethren and sisters from an adjoining congregation. The first Sunday of our meeting my parents and family, from the Salem church, were with us. Aug. 2 Brother and Sister H. O. Walter drove from the same church, bringing with them Brother and Sister D. F. Sink. The sociability of the Brethren church is not lost, and will not be as long as we stay close to Christ. We request the prayers of the church that the newcomers at this place, who had never heard the Brethren doctrine before we came here, may become a strong body for the Lord, Homer F. Caskcy |