Cedar Rapids Church (1905-)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 28, 1905 page 684 Vol. 44 No. 43 Cedar Rapids. – By consent of the Dry Creek church the little and of members in Cedar Rapids were organized into a separate organization, Monday, Sept. 25, to be hereafter known as the Cedar Rapids church. Bro. F. M. Wheeler continues as elder in charge. A number of visiting members were with us at that time, and W. E. West, president of the mission board, preached an able sermon for us. We gladly welcome members to stop with us at any time when passing through the city. – S. B. Miller. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Oct. 20.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 20, 1929 page 772 Vol. 78 No. 48 Cooperative Fellowship At the time of the Annual Conference in Cedar Rapids in 1892, there were three members living in the city, holding membership in the Dry Creek church. Following the Conference, services were held in a hall, and a Sunday-school started. The work was under the care mainly of the District Mission Board. Andrew Hutchinson held a series of meeting in the spring of 1893. The membership at this time was twelve. A churchhouse was built and dedicated in November 1893. The services were in charge of different pastors: M. M. Sherrich, C. M. Yearout, M. W. Emmert, L. D. Bosserman – until S. B. Miller came in March 1902, and was aided in the ministry by W. D. Tisdale. In September, 1905, an organization was effected, with about thirty members, and D. E. Miller was elected to the ministry. In 1910 W. Tisdale moved to Waterloo, and D. E. Miller and S. B. Miller have had charge of the work mainly since then. In 1920, S. W. Garber acted as pastor for a year. In 1924 C. E. Miller served a year, then O. F. Shaw came in November, 1926, and is still serving as pastor and elder, with a membership of about seventy-five. In the fall of 1926 The Speeder Manufacturing Co. moved to the city with Geo. T. Ronk of the Brethren Church as its president. He brought to the city with his business organization about thirty members of the Brethren Church, who having no services of the own, began worshiping with us. In the fall of 1927 Bro. Ronk, in behalf of the Brethren, submitted a written proposition to enter into a working fellowship with us, and still retain their former membership. The proposition was accepted by the Church of the Brethren, and for over two years we have had a very satisfactory cooperation. The morning offerings is taken in differently colored envelopes, and sorted by the church treasurers. From their offering they pay us a monthly check equal to about one-third of the running expenses. (The loose change comes to use.) Our Sunday-school offering all go to support Sister Emma Horning in China. From their offerings they support their college and missionaries. All have full fellowship in the communion services – we are one in Christ Jesus. S. B. Miller. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.