Beaver Church (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger June 29, 1912 page 412 Vol. 61 No. 26 Beaver. – Last Sunday Bro. Chas. Rowe and wife, and a neighbor and wife, of Dallas Center, Iowa, and Bro. J. B. Spurgeon, of the Panther Creek church, were with us at our morning services. Bro. Spurgeon did most of the speaking. The brethren organized our little congregation of thirty-two members into a church to be known as Beaver congregation. Bro. Chas. Rowe is to be our elder this year. He has serviced in that capacity for server years. By God’s help and guidance we hope to do the best we know how. The attendance at our services is till increasing, the churchhouse being almost filled at every meeting. several of our young brethren and sisters, of Bagley, Iowa, were with us on Sunday night, and helped much in the singing. We are always glad for visiting members. – Belie Ruth, Grand Junction, Iowa., June 19 |