Bagley Church (1923-31)
The Gospel Messenger April 28, 1923 page 268 Vol. 72 No. 17 Bagley.—The members here met April 7, to organize as n separate congregation from the Coon River church. Those having the work in charge were Bro. I. W. Brubaker, as moderator; Bro. A. M. Stine, clerk, and Bro. M. M. Eikenberry, the regular elder. The new organization is small, but with the prayers, love and cooperation of our sister churches, we hope to become a greater factor in the building up of Christ's Kingdom. The" Sunday-school rendered an interesting program on Sunday morning. In the evening Bro. I. W. Brubaker delivered a fine sermon on " Lost Opportunities " to a very appreciative audience. The Sunday-school is now planning a Mothers Day program. We also look forward to our series of meetings, to begin June 10," conducted by Bro. I. R. Beery and wife, of Chicago- Mrs. Leota Romctseh. Bagley, Iowa, April 16. |