AnkenyChurch (1918-1933)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 12, 1918 Page 27 Vol. 67 No. 2 ORGANIZATION OF THE ANKENY CHURCH, IOWA The prospective members of the Ankeny church of the Brethren convened at the home of G. E. Goughnour, Dec. 27. 1917, at 7 P. M., for the purpose of organizing. Eld. J. A. Robinson, of Des Moines, acted as moderator. After devotional exercises, the forty-six names on the petition for the new church, were read. They, with some others to be added, will constitute the charter members. Bro. J. Q. Goughnour was unanimously elected elder in charge and Bro. J. N. Goughnour, church clerk. The question of finance was handled by selecting a treasurer and two others to serve on a finance committee. Bro. G. E. Goughnour was elected treasurer, with Will Burton and John Abuhl constituting the other two members. Brethren J. A, Smith, Will Burton and G. E. Goughnour were elected as church trustees and Mrs. R. E. Goughnour was chosen correspondent for the " Messenger." Privilege was granted the sisters to form an Aid Society. They organized- immediately, as there is much work to be done, and great need at present. A monthly members' meeting was decided upon, to convene the first Thursday evening of each month. The selection of some one to deliver the dedicatory sermon was left in the hands of the building committee. At present, due to delay in the construction of the building, because of the extremely cold weather, and difficulty in securing materials, it is impossible to state definitely just when the dedication will take place. It will be announced later, through the columns of the "Messenger." We have a promising field to work in, and a live, modern town. It is an ideal place for members to live, with the best of church, school and railroad facilities, The Child Rescue Home of Middle Iowa is located here and the superintendent and family will soon move to take charge of the work. Blanche M. Goughnour. Ankeny, Iowa. |