West Eel River Church (1913-)
The Gospel Messenger July 5, 1913 page 428 Vol. 62 No. 27 West Eel River. – This new organization is one of the three parts into which the old Eel River church has just been divided. It has about 100 of the original 302 members, and about one-third of the territory. It has one elder, one other minister and three deacons. Our churchhouse is situated one and one-half miles east of the Silver Lake Station, and a new cement building. This new organization was effected Jane 21. Adjoin elders present were Bro. J. H. Wright, Chairman, Brethren Daniel Snell, A. C. Young, C. F. Eiler and George Swihart. Bro. Swihart was selected to take charge for one year. Bro. Russell E. Werking is church clerk. The organization will be completed at a called meeting July 19. And adjusting committee had been appointed to take the financial part of the work under advisement. This report passed all the organization meetings. On Sunday morning the Sunday-school was reorganized for six months, with Bro. Samuel Perry as superintendent. In the evening the Christian Workers reorganized, with Bro. Russel Werking as president, and Sister Iva Montel as secretary. Bro. J. H. Wright remained over Sunday and preached for us two inspiring sermons. – T. D. Butterbaugh, Silver Lake, Ind., June 26