Walton Church (1922-1930)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 30, 1922 page 620 Vol. 71 No. 39 Upper Deer Creek church met in council Sept. 9, with Eld Irvin Fisher presiding. One letter of membership was granted. It was decided to organize the Walton Mission into a church. a committee was appointed to establish the line between Upper Creek and Walton and to consider the financial condition of the two places. Bro. Jacob Cripe was chosen delegate to the District Meeting, to the held at Flora, Ind. Bro. Boyd Bechtelheimer was chosen as a helper to Bro. Irvin Fisher, who can be here only at intervals. Our communion services will be held Oct. 14, at 5 P. M. and our council meeting Sept. 30, at 3 P. M. our Sunday-school treasurer, Bro. Frank Cripe, is moving away, and the Secretary, Bro. Earl Smith, will assume these duties until the end of the year. Our series of meetings, to be conducted by Bro. D. B. Hirtwill begin Nov. 7. Sept. 10 we held an all-day meeting. After Sunday-school we had a Harvest Day sermon by Bro. Irvin Fisher. In the afternoon a missionary, program was rendered and an offering lifted for home missions. We have enjoyed these meeting, and our Daily Vacation Bible School, held some time ago rives us new enthusiasm. – Edna Mae Burrous, Lincoln, Ind. Sept. 18. The Gospel Messenger Sept. 30, 1922 page 620 Vol. 71 No. 39
Walton Mission feels fortunate in procuring the promise of Bro. Moyne Landis, of Sidney, Ind., to conduct a two weeks’ revival, commencing Sept. 24. Bro. Geo. Phillips, of our mission, will have charge of the music. We trust that our little flock will put a special effort in helping, to increase and advance the cause. Elsie F. Small, Walton, Ind, Sept. 20 |