Sugar Creek Church



Whitley County Indiana History (1907) Page 323 

  Like Pilgrims of old, the early adherents of the Dunkard faith in Washington township met in the homes of the brethren and worshiped 
God in accordance with the dictates of their own consciences and in the year 1866 they erected a large brick churches, forty by eighty,
 in what is now the village of Tunker, and is known as the “Sugar Creek Church.” The house was erected at a cost of two thousand hundred dollars
 and the present value of the property is about three thousand five hundred dollars. Rev. David Bear preached the sermon of dedication and
 David Shoemaker did the carpenter work on the building.  About thirty-five years ago Rev. Kripe manufactured.  He worked at the seats 
during the day and preached to the people at night.   At the time of the building of the church the members were: Messrs, and Mesdames 
Philip Holler, Sr., John Wise, Martin, Frederick, Lewis and Jacob Weybright, Solomon Kith, Joseph Montz, Reuben Long, David Arnett, 
Jacob and Osias Metzs.  The church is now in a flourishing  condition, having a membership of nearly one hundred. R. B. and Isaac Bolinger 
are the minister and Henry Kitch is the instructor in music. The church has prospered during all these years and has been a powe for good in the community.