Spring Creek Church (1870-)
Christian Family Companion April 12, 1870 page 232 Vol. VI No. 15 Brother Holsinger; Another branch has sprung out from the true and living vine. The brethren at and in the vicinity of Dodgertown, Indiana, on the 26th day of March last assembled at the house of brother Levi Fox, and organized, assuming the name of “Spring Creek branch.” – A choice was held and brethren John Schriver, Sam’l Bowman, Levi fox and Jacob Smell were called to office of deacon. And as the inspired apostles who received their inspiration directly from Jesus, gave instruction to individual churches and the church in general, we hope that those who have received inspiration through God’s holy word will also instruct, by writing friendly epistles to this church of "Spring Creek”. E. Umbaugh |