South Buck Creek Church (Harrison Co) (1870-?)
Primitive Christian Feb. 20, 1877 page 108 Vol. 1 No. 7 From the Buck Creek Church, Indiana Dear Brethren Editors: As there has been no report from the Buck Creek arm of the church, I will try to give a brief history of it. About the year 1857 there were two brethren from the state of Maryland visited this county, and baptized two, a brother and sister. They being well stricken in years, soon passed away, and the seed that was sown seemed to be lost. But it was as bread cast upon the water to be gathered many days hence. In the Fall of 1868, brethren George Studebaker and Lewis Kinsey in trip South, was requested to stop and see the old brother. On their arrival they found that he was dead. They stopped at his son’s house, and held a series of meetings, and four were made willing to follow Jesus by being buried with him in baptism. In the Fall of 1869, brethren Elias Kaylor and Isaac Cripe visited the brethren and held a series of meetings, and five more were baptized. In the Spring of 1870, the same two brethren visited us again, when some twelve or fifteen accessions to the church. They held a council meeting and organized a church. We also held a choice for speaker and a visiting brother. For speaker, the lot fell on brother Jonathan Zimmerman, and for visiting brother, Joseph Zimmerman. After this we had a number of meetings and a few accessions to the church. We have had thirty-seven members in all. we have lost two by death, six by letter, and disowned four. We have four ministering brethren, two in the first degree, and two in the second, and two deacons. We have meetings every two weeks. We met last Sabbath and heard our beloved brother, Joseph Zimmerman, preach from Matth. 15: 44, 45, 46, followed by brother Jonathan Zimmerman. Now dear brethren, you that may see this, I invite you to come and preach for us, for I think there is room for much good to be done here. The brethren and sisters seem to be in union, but there are precious and never-dying souls that are still out of the ark of safety. Leonard F. Love. Kohabath, Harrison Co., Ind. |