Pleasant View (1913-) (1913-)
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 23, 1913 p 539 Vol. 62 No. 34 Sugar Creek, Indiana. We met in special council at the East house Aug. 5, in response to a call from the members of the West house to consider the advisability of dividing the congregation into two separate organizations. The meeting was presided over by our elder, Bro. H. J. Neff, assisted by Brethren J. C. Murray and George L. Studebaker, of North Manchester. After considering the matter of church organization, the majority voted to divide, those opposed agreeing to submit to the vote of the majority. We decided to met again on Saturday, at 1 P. M., to organize the body of the East hose. Bro. Henry I. Neff, who has faithfully and successfully presided over the entire congregation, for the past three years, was chosen again for one year by a strong vote. Other officers were elected almost unanimously. Bro. Harvey Arnett was chosen clerk; Bro. P. G. Yoder, treasurer; Sister Ella Wagoner, corresponding secretary; Bro. P G. Yoder, Messenger agent. We decided that the officers of the Sunday-school and Christian Workers’ Meeting continue in their office until the close of the year. Brethren P. G. Yoder and A. Keel were chosen as a finance committee. We decided to get hone hundred “Kingdom Songs.” Bro. C. S. Garber is to commence revival meetings at this place Aug. 17. Sister Effie Tuttle, of Huntington, Ind., is to lead the singing. Ella Wagoner. South Whitley, Ind. Aug. 11. |