Pleasant Valley Church ((1872?-)
Brethren at Work Dec. 20, 1877 page 8 Vol. II No. 50 From Jesse Calvert – I went from Pleasant Ridge church, Noble Co., to the Pleasant Valley church, Elkhart Co., Ind. December 1st, at which place to dedicatory services were held. A large and attentive congregation was present, and the services were solemn and interesting. The Brethren here have built a good and commodious house of worship. I would think it will seat 800 or 1000 person quite conveniently. This congregation was organized some four or five years ago, with eighteen or twenty members Joseph Hoover was their first and only minister till recently, when Bro. Wise was called to his and Eld. Jacob Berkey has the care of the church. They now number almost one hundred members. We remained here till Dec. 6th. Seven were added to the church by baptism, and Bro. Phial remained to continue the meeting. Hope that others, who were impressed with their duty, come out. I net went to Huntington, but the road were so and that the meeting was abandoned, and I came home, found all well. The 14th, I expect to go to Columbiana Co. Ohio to officiate at the dedicatory service of a church near North Georgetown the 16th, and remained there till Dec. 22nd. ????, Ind. Dec. 10 1877 |