Peru Church (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger March 16, 1912 page 165 Vol. 61 No. 11 PERU MISSION INDIANA. We came to this city Oct. 18, 1909, taking the supervision of the work, which is under the care of the Missouri Board of Middle Indiana. Our work has been very much hindered, because of having a very poor place in which to hold our services. It is an upstairs room, poorly ventilated, and in the roughest part of the city. But in spite of the disadvantages and opposition that we have had to contend with, our interest has continued to grow, and we have bad an evergreen Sunday-school. The Lord has blessed our work from time to time. through the power of the Spirit operating upon the hearts of men and women, who have been made willing to unite with the church. So far there have been nineteen baptized, and three reclaimed. We held no series of meetings in 1911, as we were waiting for the completion of the new church. We have felt very keenly the need of a better place of worship, and so we decided to try to raise money enough to build a new church in the city. After presenting the matter to the Mission Board, the plan met their approval. We also presented the proposition to the adjoining churches, Mexico. Pipe Creek, and Santa Fe. We then undertook to raise the needed funds, and we are glad to announce the results of our effort. We now have the new churchhouse about completed, and will hold our first services in the new church on Sunday morning. March 10. Our dedication services will occur one week later, March 17. The committee of elders, sent by District Meeting, will meet with us on Saturday night, March 16. to organize the Mission into a church. Sunday morning, the 17th. we will have Sunday-school at 9:30. and at 10:30 the dedication sermon will be preached by Bro. Otho Winger, of North Manchester. On Sunday evening we will begin a revival meeting, conducted by Bro. J. W. Norris, of Marion. We are going to be a busy church when we get into the new building. Our church is a cement block building, 40x40. with a basement the full size of the structure. For the benefit of those wh0 wish to attend the dedication services from out of town, I will say that all ears on the Wabash Valley and Ft. Wayne Road, either local or limited, cast or west bound, stop at Benton Street, one square south of the new church. Those coming on the Winona or I. U. T. had better get off at the Broadway crossing, and take a city car east to Benton Street. We ask an interest in the prayers of all of God's people in behalf of the work in Peru, that God's name may be glorified, and that souls may l)e won for Christ. 85 E Fourth Street.. Peru. Indiana, S. T. Fisher.
The Gospel Messenger April 27, 1912 page 270 Vol. 61 No. 17 PERU CHURCH, INDIANA. March 16 marks the time of a very important event in the history of the Peru church. In the new church edifice, during the evening of the above date, the City Mission was organized into a church, with a membership of sixty souls. The organization was conducted by Elders J. C. Murray, Peter Houk and J. G. Stinebaugh, who had been specifically appointed for the work by the District Meeting. The following officers were chosen: Trustees, B. B. Keeport, William Britton and Philip Nicodemus; treasurer, William Erb; clerk, Ira Miller. Bro. S. T. Fisher, deeply feeling the weight of new responsibilities, was, with his faithful wife, ordained to the eldership. On Sunday morning, March 17, the members and friends of the new church gathered early for the dedicatory service. Sunday-school was conducted at the usual hour with about four hundred present. The offering was $10.50. For the service following all available space was occupied and many were unable even to find standing room. A spirited song service was led by Bro. Joseph Studebaker, of Flora, Ind. A scripture lesson was read by Eld. George Swihart, of Roann, Ind. The opening prayer was offered by Eld. J. C. Murray, of North Manchester, Ind. Pastor S. T. Fisher briefly reviewed the effort of the Mission, indicating how grateful they were for the new temple of worship, about to be dedicated. He then introduced Eld. Otho Winger, President of Manchester College, who delivered the dedicatory address in his forceful and unaffected manner. As a basis for the address he chose the story of Jacob's experience at Bethel, found in Gen. 28: 10-17. Following the sermon Pastor S. T. Fisher made a statement of the financial conditions, showing that the neat, well-arranged church edifice had been built for $5,000. He then stated the amount of the indebtedness, and after a little effort the neat sum of $407 was pledged, leaving an indebtedness of $200, which was temporarily assumed by the Mission Board. On the evening of the dedication a revival was begun in the new building by Eld. J. W. Norris, of Marion, Ind. The meetings continued for three weeks with most extraordinary attendance and interest. The effort was richly rewarded by a spiritual revival within, and by twenty-two accessions from without. Six of the number were reclaimed, thirteen have been baptized, several yet await the rite, and quite a number are near the fold. With the new building and a membership of over eighty inspired to action, the new organization has a bright outlook and should be the gleaner of many souls. The Sunday-school has recently gained over a hundred per cent, and if the school continues to grow as we hope it will, rooms in the basement will be fitted for classes. The praiseworthy credit for the good conditions that exist here belong chiefly to Brother and Sister S. T. Fisher. for their efforts have been untiring and most self-sacrificing in more ways than one. What has been done here can be duplicated in many other places; in fact, if the church lives up to her duty she must go into the cities where so many souls are hungering for the Bread of Life. E. E. Frantz. Peru, Ind.