Oak Grove Church (1917-42)
The Gospel Messenger May 5, 1917 page 280 Vol. 66 No. 18 North Liberty church, Ind., at a recent council, decided upon a division of its territory, the new organization being known as “Oak Grove.”
The Gospel Messenger May 5, 1917 page 284 Vol. 66 No. 18 North Liberty congregation met in council, April 7, Our elder. Bro. Hesstand, presided. There were three letters granted. At this council we decided to divide our church territory, making two separate congregations. This was done with the best of feeling, and we trust it may bring added blessing for each church. April 20 Bro. Heestand met with us at the country church, and we fully organized and adopted the name “Oak Grove” for our congregation. Bro. M. I. Whitmer was chosen elder for the remainder of this year. Bro. Daniel Whitmer was chosen delegate to Annual Meeting, and Bro. Hartman, alternate. – Mrs. Dortha Miller, North Liberty, Ind. April 23. |