New Hope Church (1891-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 16, 1886 page 718 Vol. 24 Missionary Work of Southern Indiana. According to previous arrangements, we met at Indianapolis, Oct. 15, to enter the mission field of Southern Indiana. We took the train for Seymour, Jackson Co.., where Bro Smith met us and took us seven miles, to the place of meeting. Bro. David Richard had been holding some very interesting meeting here, which we continued until the 26th inst. in the meantime nine were baptized. We went to another point and held a few meetings, then returned again to the former place where we held forth the truth as it is in Jesus and baptized four more precious souls, making in all, thirteen that were buried with Christian baptism and arose to walk in newness of life. Those that united with us included those in their youthful days up to those of sixty-seven years. We held a communion with the members here which was very enjoyable. A large congregation assembled to witness the occasion, and we believe that hasting impressions were made, Bro. David Richard had held a few meetings in another neighborhood and was with us at the communion. We organized a church which now has a membership of twenty-seven. Also had a choice for one deacon; the lot fell on Bro. Luther Bedel. May the lord abundantly bless the little band believers, in Jackson county, and that many more may be added to their number. This make the third visit we made to Southern Indiana; our meetings throughout were interesting and enjoyable, and more especially the last one. As our meetings progressed, the interest increased, and we believe many more are near the kingdom and will soon come out on the side of the Lord. we closed our meetings Oct. 1t, with increased interest, and we now realize that our mission work in Southern Indiana is closed for this year. Our association together in the work has been pleasant and enjoyable and we have learned to love each other. The ties of Christian affection have been drawn closer, and now we soon must part and return to our families again; the thought of separating with those of like precious faith, brings solemnity to our hearts, but the love that unites us here below, will endure forever. Daniel Bock Isaac E. Branson
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 18, 1887 page 41 Vol. 25 No. 4 Brethren Daniel Bock and Isaac Branson visited Jackson county, assisted Bro. D. R. Richards, on last visit. Baptized seventeen, organized a church with a membership of twenty-seven. Name of the church New Hope.