New Bethel Church (Whitewater) (1912-33)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 4, 1913 page 12 Vol. 62 No. 1 New Bethel—At a council, held in the Four Mile congregation it was decided to divide the congregation. The western part was organized into a separate congregation. Oct. 29 we met to organize. Elders L, W. Teeter and Frank Hay. of the Nettle Creek congregation, and Elders Carey Toney and C. C. Petry, of the Four Mile congregation, were present, twenty-two letters of membership were presented. One was that of a minister Bro. P. W. Payton, and three deacons. Bro. J. W Rarick, of North Manchester, Ind., was unanimously chosen as our elder; Bro. J. E. Fiant, church clerk; the writer, Messenger correspondent and agent. The new organization is to. be known as the New Bethel congregation. Bro. Rarick came to us in the evening of Dec. S. to assist us in a series of meetings Good interest continued throughout the meetings. We thought best to close this revival Dec. 15, on account of so much sickness In the neighborhood. Bro. Rarick preached nine strong sermons which were much appreciated by all. He also attended one council meeting. Bro. Rarick accepted the eldership of our church for one year, and promised to come once a month to break to us the Bread of Life. We certainly feel very much strengthened through the efforts of our dear brother.—Anna Neptune. Connersville, Ind., Dec. 21 |