Middlebury Church (1913-)
The Gospel Messenger May 24, 1913 page 333 Vol. 62 No. 21 MIDDLEBURY, INDIANA. What was known as the Pleasant Valley congregation, was divided May 2 into two parts. The country house maintains the former name (Pleasant Valley), while the house in town was named after the town (Middlebury). Elders W R. Deeter, I. L. Berkey and Hiram Forney assisted in the work. At this meeting presiding elders or each congregation were elected,-Bro J L. Mishler for the Pleasant Valley church, and Bro. J. H. F.ke to, Middlebury. May 7 the Middlebury congregation assembled in special council to organize, with the elder in charge of the meeting The following officers were elected: Bro. A C. Kindy writing clerk; Bro. George Sherek, reading clerk, Brethren A. Haines, John Troyer, A. F. Cripe, trustees; Bro. Chatmeey Berkey, treasurer. Bro. Ira Weaver was chosen as our delegate lo Annual Meeting, with Bro. Cyrus Steele as alternate. Bro. Earl Weaver is our Messenger agent; the writer, corresponding secretary; Sister Elsie Sherd chorister; Bro. Earl Weaver assistant for Christian Workers' Meeting we elected Bro. Rollin Cripe as president, and. Sister Nellie Keyser as secretary We ask the prayers of God's people that we, as a church, may grow in grace and become a power for Christ in town and the surrounding country. Elsie Cripe. R. D. 5, Middlebury, Ind., May 12 |