Loon Creek Church (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 10, 1912 page 92 Vol. 61 No. 6 Salamonie church met in council at the Loon Creek house Jan. 27 Our elder. Bro. Aaron Moss, presided. One letter was read. At our last quarterly council a committee was appointed to look after the dividing of the church into two congregations. The church accepted the report of the committee, and another meeting is to be held at each of the two houses, to elect officers for the new organizations. The dates set are Feb. 16 and 17.—Sarah A. Heaston. R. D. 5. Box 28. Huntington, Ind., Jan. 31.
The Gospel Messenger March 9, 1912 page 156 Vol. 61 No. 10 Solamonie.—Our church met In two special councils,—Feb. 16 at the Lancaster house. and Feb. 17 at the Loon Creek house. The purpose of these councils was to organize into two separate congregations what has been known as the Salamonie congregation. The adjoining elders at these meetings who assisted in the organizing of these church, were Elders D, B. Garber, I. B. Wike, and D. R. Hardman. The south part of the former church retains the old name, while the north part will be known as the Loon Creek church The following officers were elected for the Salamonie church. Bro. Henry B. Wike, elder: Bro. Hampton Zook, secretary. Bro Alva Winebrenner, treasurer. The officers for the Loon Creek church are as follows: Bro. Henry E. Wike, elder. Sister Nora Paul, secretary; Bro. Samuel Funderburg, treasurer it was decided that the secretary of each church act as church correspondent, Eld. Aaron Moss, who had been elder of the Salamonie church for about eleven years, resigned During the time that Eld. Moss had charge of the Salamonie church five deacons and five ministers were elected. We certainly feel that credit is due to Eld. Moss for his service rendered the Salamonie congregation.—Millie Wike, R. D. 6, Huntington, Ind., Feb. 22. |