Lincolnshire Church (Fort Wayne) (1897 - )
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 27, 1879 page 140 From Fort Wayne, Ind The members at this place been associating together, though not organized, for one year. During that time four members were added to the church by baptism. Bro. Jacob Ahner has been our resident minister. We had our social meetings each week and regular services by our own speaker and the different brethren as they passed through here. We trust our brethren will not forget to stop, as they travel through Fort Wayne, and may they encourage us on our way in the good work of the Lord, that the borders of Zion may be enlarged. We need much help here. The opposition is great, as it is in all cities. After long and continued efforts we have finally succeeded in getting the Northern and Middle Districts of Indiana to appoint Eld. William Deeter, of Milford, Ind., and Eld. Jacob Snell, of Collamer, Ind., as a committee, to organize us into a church. They arrived here Feb. 9, together with Bro. Stephen Ulery, a member of the committee of the Middle District, and Bro. Steckley, of the Cedar Creek church. the organization was effected on the evening of Feb. 10, with a membership of nineteen. We also elected two deacons. – brethren A. M. Eby and F. P. Colclesser; also a clerk, correspondent, and treasurer. We organized our Sunday school last Sunday, Feb. 14, with a full corps of officers. We pray that God may bless our efforts, as the members all feel a deep interest in the work here. The church was named. “Fort Wayne Church.” Bro. Jacob Snell preached for us two evenings, after which Bro. W. R. Deeter continued the meetings until Feb. 17, but had to stop because of his health, right in them midst of a good interest. We all felt much disappointed in finding him absent last evening. Bro. Deeter’s sermons were mostly doctrinal, and ably delivered. A. M. Eby