Hickory Grove Church (Camden) (1881-)
Brethren at Work Feb. 15, 1881 page 80 Vol. 6 No. 6 From Jesse Calvert. I spent yesterday in the city of Elkhart, beard Rev. James Wailes of the Evangelical preach at ten A. M. Text 133 Psalm. He says we are all brethren, and should live together in harmony ; and he thanked God that there are enough churches for all to be suited, and in the main essentials we are all one. There are seven thousand inhabitants herd and eleven churches, and about two thousand attend church. It does not look as though it did very much good as many churches At 7 p. m. went to the Mennonite church, heard Rev. Joseph Funk preach. Text, Isaiah 1: 18. The points were: Is religion reasonable, and is it best to have our sins made white or shall they remain red until Christ comes? I am here resting from preaching and doing some mail service; as I was so worn down I felt that I must rest. My last preaching was in Wells county, Elder Sabey's church. We had a good meeting, but no additions, We organized a new church called Camden. We are having a fearful time with R. It. Accidents just now. Five or six last week; fortunately only a few killed, and a few seriously hurt. Elkhart, Ind., Jan. 24, 1181, |