Delphi Church (1921-52)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 7, 1920 page 93 Vo. 69 No. 6 Delphi Mission met in the first council Dec. 18, with Eld. J. G. Stinebaugh presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to reorganize our Sunday-school forces for 1920 and to consider how best to proceed with the work in general at this place. The work has been intensely interesting during the past year, though we were not an established mission. Now, since this is accomplished under the direction of the Middle District of Indiana, with Bro. Stinebaugh in charge, we have set our aim high for Delphi. Until different arrangements can be made, we are having our services at the home of Dr. E. E. Blickenstaff, as we have done for the past year. We have Sunday-school at 2 o clock and preaching services following on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. The offering of the fourth Sunday of each month is- to be given to missions. Officers were chosen, with the writer as superintendent.—J. N. Holsinger, Delphi, Ind., Jan. 24.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 17, 1921 page 572 Vol. 70 No. 38 Delphi.—Our efforts here are being crowned with success. We feel that the Master is wonderfully blessing us in our work. The interest Is continually increasing in both the Sunday-school work and the preaching of the Gospel. Our recent series of revival services conducted by Bro. I. R. Beery, of Flora, Ind., was to us a wonderful success. Twenty-one confessed Christ as their Savior and were received into fellowship by baptism. One was reclaimed. Quite a number of members had for some time lived in the city, not knowing ol the work here, because we have no public place of worship. During the meetings, which were held in a public place, these were aroused to take an active part in the work. Altogether our numbers were almost doubled.—J. M. Holsinger, Delphi, Ind., Sept. 8
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 12, 1921 page 700 Vol. 70 No. 46 MEETING OF DISTRICT BOARD OF MIDDLE INDIANA The Mission Board met in Wabash Nov. 1. Bro. L. W. Shultz, of North Manchester, Religious Director of the District, was present, and entered into the discussion of the business of the Board, which was much appreciated. The organization was effected as follows: Ira Kreider, North Manchester, President; Chas. R. Oberlin, Logansport, Secretary; Alva Winebrenner, Huntington, Treasurer. Bro. Winebrenner is the new member of the Board, appointed by the last District Meeting. The Board recommended to its members that, if possible, all should attend the meeting of District Boards, to be held in Elgin at the call of the Home Mission Secretary. Bro. Stinebaugh, who has been authorized to close a deal for a churchhouse in the city of Delphi, reported that the same had been done. The mission work at Delphi is only a little more than two years old. It was organized into a church only recently, with fifty-seven charter members. The churchhouse is a large and very substantial building. It had been built and used by another denomination. It was purchased for the sum of $6,000—the sellers giving a cash donation of $300. The District will be solicited to raise the larger part of this amount. The location is ideal—being within three squares of the business section of town. The future of the church seems very bright. With the churchhouse and the hope of locating a pastor, it will soon be self-supporting. It was decided that all mission churches must finance their series of meetings, and also pay a definite sum toward the support of their pastor. The board recommends that the pastors' and elders' fiscal year begin with Sept. 1. It was further decided that business matters, intended for Board meetings, be sent to the secretary for tabulation, and then a copy of same be sent to each member of the board for study. These should be in the hands of the secretary one week before the meeting for which they are intended. The next meeting of the Board will be at Flora, Dec. 8, at 1 P. M. Chas. R. Oberlin.