Cart Creek Church (1914-60?)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 24, 1914 page 684 Vol. 1919 No. 43 Somerset.—Oct. 3 we enjoyed a spiritual love feast. The visiting ministers present were Bro. Peter Honk, of the Pipe Creek church, and Bro. W. C. Detrick. of the Wabash City church. Bro. Houk officiated. On Sunday Bro. Detrick gave us a splendid talk, followed by Bro. Houk. Oct. 10 we met in called council to establish a dividing line between the Somerset and Cart Creek congregations. The committee's report was accepted, and the line established. Both churches will reorganize in the near future. One letter of membership was received, and four were granted.— Oma M. Rife, Converse. Ind., Oct. 14.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 14, 1914 page 725 Vol. 63 No. 46 Cart Creek. Oct. 31 we met in special council for church organization. The name "Carl Creek" was adopted. Our elder, Bro. 10. S. Br11 baker, presided. Bro. Joseph Winger was elected secretary. Bro. Oscar Haynes was chosen treasurer. Brethren Joe Kendall. Mahlon Winger and Oscar Haynes were elected as trustees.—Emma Winger, R, n. Hi. Marion, Ind., Nov. 8.