Beech Grove (1878-)
Brethren at Work 03-07-1878 p 7 Vol. III No. 10From Fortville, Indiana. Dear Brethren: — THIS church formerly belonged to the Stony Creek church; but recently there was a division made, and the Eastern part is now called Beech Grove. We number near fifty members— still under the care of J. W. Caylor, the Elder of Stony Creek church. Our regular meetings are twice a month, and occasionally some brother comes in and holds a series of meetings. Bro. Jacob Rife came here on the 8, of February, and preached seven sermons. There were none added to the church, but we hope his preaching may be as bread east upon the waters, for we think many crumbs felt from the Master's table. Our prayer is that "nothing he wasted." Bro. Rife went from here to the District meeting at Honey Creek. He gave us a partial promise to come again next summer, if spared. May God be with him is my prayer. We expect Bro. Geo. Studebaker here the 1st. of March. He has preached here occasionally for several years, and has been the means of much good being done at this place. May God bless him in his labors. C. A. Savaqe Feb. 21st 1878 |