Portland Church (Bear Creek) (1878 - )
Brethren At Work Oct. 3, 1878 page 8 Vol. III No. 49 From Samuel Murray. – I visited an uncle of nine eighty-three years old, and a sister of nine seventy-seven years old. She is quite active for her age. Visited two brothers and many other relatives, did not find then all enjoying good health, some being afflicted with chorine diseased, cannot ever expect to get much better; others who have fevers were convalescent. Our visit in Ohio we short but pleasant, and will be long remembered by me. Did not preach much in Ohio; we have visited a good many churches since we started on our visit. We think they all need a good tonie of the Holy Spirit, and the love of God to excite the Christian life a little more. O may God help all of us to wake up to a full sense of our duties each one in his and her place, is my prayer. I cam here to a Communion in the Bear Creek arm of church, in Jay Co., Ind. Met quite a number of ministers at this meeting, some from Ohio and some from different parts of Indiana. Thomas Wenrich, from Ohio is their Elder here. The church was only organized about one year ago, are numbering some fifty; had selected brother Daniel Waltz to the ministry at the time of organization, and a Cable, deacon. At this meeting a choice was held for one minister and two deacons; the lot for speaker fell on Bro. Eli Renner, and for deacons on Henry Garner and Daniel Renner. Brother Waltz was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. Their members all being present, they were all received in their respective offices at the same time, which made the scene very solemn. May God bless then and enable them to fully appreciate the responsibilities of their offices, and enable them to fully discharge the duties in their respective offices. This is my first visit to this church. I must say so far, I have enjoyed my visit. The acquaintances I have made with brethren and sisters are pleasant. I expect to preach for them this evening and tomorrow at ten A. M. Our Communion will be on the 3rd of Oct.; we hope the ministering brethren will come and help us.
Primitive Christian & Pilgrim Oct. 29, 1878 p 683 Vol. 2 No. 43 Dear Brethren: I am now in Huntington Co., Ind. I did not get to visit all of my relatives in Ohio I hope those I missed will please excuse me. If I ever get to Ohio, again, I will not limit myself in time so much. I missed quite a number of relatives and friends; among the many are uncle Christian Welbaum, eighty-three years old. He was born in Huntingdon Co., Pa., near Frankstown, may oldest sister seventy seven years old, and many relatives and acquaintances. While visiting at Covington, I found old brother Rudolph Mohler quite poorly, also old doctor Michael Shellaberger, and Eld. David Shellaberger. These brethren are quite old and afflicted with chronic diseases, and do not expect ever to regain their health, but we were glad to learn that they are patiently waiting till their change comes. It is said that death is a thing of terror, yet we sometimes think death is a friend, when all aid and help of man and medicine fail, death comes along and relieves us from all our suffering, then we can with propriety say in the language of the poet: I am glad I was born to die, From grief and woe my soul shall fly. On the 10th of Sept., I started for Jay county, Ind., with Samuel Murray, a minister. He rode with me in my buggy, so we had a pleasant time together; part of the time quite rainy, and very bad roads. – On the 12th, got to our destination, where a lovefeast was held. We had quite a good little meeting on the morning of the 13th. A choice was held for a minister and two visiting brethren. The lot for speaker fell on Eli Benner, and Henry Garner and Daniel Renner for visiting brethren. They had but one speaker before, and he only in the first grade, so he as advanced. The members all being present they were all received in their respective offices at one time. May God bless them and make them useful, is our prayer. This church was only organized last summer. The brethren from Ohio have been doing the preaching at this place. Thomas Wenrick is their presiding elder. This is my first visit to this place. Feel happy for the acquaintance we have made. My visit to Ohio though short as it was, was a pleasant one to me. And will be long remembered. Brethren, sister and friends, let us all live right, that we may have a hope of meeting where parting will be no more. Samuel Murray