Auburn Church (1917-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 15, 1917 page 585 Vol. 66 No. 37 Until recently Auburn Mission, Ind., was part of the Cedar Lake and Cedar Creek churches. Now, however, it has been organized as a congregation, to be known as the ”First Church of the brethren of Auburn.” It starts with sixty members and excellent prospects. Not all can attend regularly because of distance, but most of them can. We elected Bro. Roof, of Anderson, as our elder. The trustees are Brethren Lewis, Ritchey and Zirkle. Sister Green is “Messenger” agent and corresponding secretary. Brethren L. W. Teeter and D. W. Bowman assisted us in the work. Bro. Roof preached for us today. We appreciated his services very much. We will be glad for ministers to preach for us when convenient. Bro. Ora Zirkle was our delegate to the District Meeting and Sister Nora Ryan represented us at the Sunday-school Meeting at Ladoga. Our Sunday-school and prayer meetings are increasing in interest and attendance. Today’s Sunday-school collection, of $1.33, will be used for the missionary cause. We also have a mile-box, supplied with a bell, for the birthday offerings. It will also be used for mission work. We are expecting to hold a series of meetings as soon as we can secure the services of our minister, who promised to do the work. Bro. Lewis preached as able sermon for us tonight. We met a half hour before services to engage in song service. Our attendance at church is gaining. – Florida J. E. Green, Box 125, Middletown, Ind., Oct. 21. |