Virden Church (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger August 17, 1912 page 525 Vol. 61 No. 33 Pleasant Hill church met in council July 2. Several letters of membership were received. In order that we may do more effective work, in reaching out into broader fields, the church derided that it was best to divide her ranks, and accordingly a line of division was drawn. The old Pleasant Hill house, also the funds already subscribed for the new church in Virden. were placed Into the hands of the northern division or new organization. These decisions were arrived at after having special prayer. Many expressed themselves as never before having attended a more spiritual council. It Is hoped that by dividing our workers, and putting forth special efforts, both In Virden and Girard, the work of soul-saving will be carried on more effectively.—Alice M. Gibbel, Girard, Ill., July 31.
The Gospel Messenger August 17, 1912 page 525 Vol. 61 No. 33 Virden church met in council July 9, for the purpose of organization. With the assistance of Elders D. J. Blickenstaff. J. W, Lear and J. M. Masterson, the northern division of the old Pleasant Hill church was organized into a new body, to be known as the Virden church. After enrollment It was found that we have a membership of eighty-two. Eld. J. H. Brubaker was chosen as the presiding elder for one year; Edward Snell, clerk: D. C. Vaniman, treasurer: the writer, correspondent. Brethren J. H. Brubaker and Edward Snell were appointed delegates to the District Meeting. Trustees were appointed, and also a committee of five, to build a church in Virden.—Alice M. Gibbel. Girard. Ill., July 31.