Sterling Church (1892-1971)
The Gospel Messenger August 2. 1892 page 476 Vol. 30 No. 30 Church Organization at Sterling, ILL. The preparatory meeting to confer with the brethren of the Rock Creek church, Whiteside County, III., in reference to the congregational boundary lines, and their willingness to have the Sterling brethren, who belonged to this congregation, from a separate organization, has already been alluded to in a former number, hence we will not repeat that part of the work. Brethren Edmund Forney, Levi Trostle, and the writer met at Sterling July 16, according to previous arrangement. Bro. Forney was appointed Moderator of the meeting. The first work was to appoint an elder to preside over the Sterling church, which resulted in the choice of Eld. Daniel Dierdorff. Bro. Ira Hoak was then appointed Clerk, and sister Delia Keltner, Treasurer, to serve in this new organization. Some wholesome admonitions were given by the elders who officiated, relative to the unity, love, consistency, non-conformity to the world, and untiring diligence of the members. Elders Jacob Myers, Levi Raffensperger, and Bro. Samuel Riddlesperger, who has been a member of the District Mission Board for a number of years, were present. Meetings were held over Sunday with good attendance and interest. Bro. Peter Keltner is the resident minister in the Sterling church and he, with his companion, are ardently toiling under the influence of divine love that constrains them to make sacrifices for the cause of Christ. It is a work of considerable magnitude to properly regulate and guard the many interests that relate to a church in the city, but the many self-sacrifices of the faithful minister and the faithful of his flock, will be abundantly rewarded in the crowning day, and although they may now be sowing the Gospel seed in tears, they will then come with rejoicing, "bringing their sheaves with them." May the dear church at Sterling be represented in glory, is our prayer. |