Polo Church (1905-)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 14, 1905 page 28 Vol. 44 No. 2 Polo. – The new meetinghouse in Polo was dedicated Jan. 1. Bro. I. D. Parker preached on the occasion to a large number of people. We took a collection amounting to $210.44 Bro. Parker is preaching for us in a revival services with interest. We were not able to hold services in Polo for five months while the house of worship was building. We are glad to get back to work again. Hope to do better work and accomplish more since we have a well arranged house of worship. – John Heckman, Polo, Ill, Jan. 4.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 30, 1905 page 624 Vol. 44 No. 30 Pine Creek congregation assembled in council Sept. 21. It was thought best to divide the congregation, making a Pine Creek and a Polo congregation. Bro. John Heckman having moved with his family to Mt. Morris, asked to be relieved from his duties as elder of the Pine Creek congregation. His request was granted and Bro. C. C. Price was chosen to take his place. Bro. Chas Barnhizer was elected treasurer and Bro. Clinton Stauffer Missionary collector. We expect to hold our love feast Oct. 7, commencing at 5 P. M. The Pine Creek church now has a membership of about 135 and the Polo congregation nearly 75. – Grace G. Price. R. F. D. No. 2, Oregon, Ill., Sept. 25.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 7, 1905 page 636 Vol. 44 No. 40 Polo. – Another name has been added to the list of church of Northern Illinois. Sept. 26 elders M. S. Newcomer and John Heckman met with the members living in what was the western part of Pine Creek congregation to organize them into a separate body according to the decision of the church in council at the Pine Creek house, Sept. 21. The organization was effected and will be known as the Polo church. Having no resident elder, Bro. John Heckman was chosen to take the oversight of the new congregation. The clerk was instructed to make a list of the names of all the members, keep a record of accessions, deaths, and other facts relating to the history of the church. There are about seventy-five members living in the territory allotted to the Polo church. With our well-equipped churchhouse, just completed, a welling in good running order, we ought to be able to accomplish much good. Steps were taken toward having a minister devote all his time to the work. One was baptized at the close of the meeting, one last Sunday a wanderer reclaimed. – M. Jane Stauffer, Polo, Ill., Sept. 28.