Panther Creek Church (1852- )
Christian Family Companion, Vol. II, No. 27, p. 214, July 10, 1866
PANTHER CREEK BRANCH} Woodford Co., Ill.} Dear Brother H.; I will give you a short sketch of our congregation, in this part of God’s moral vineyard. In the spring of 1852 was the first meeting ever held here by the Brethren. Elder Martin of Fulton Co., formerly from Pa., was the first brother that ever preached the word here; and than the Lord for it, for eight of us were added to the Church the same day; for we were very hungry, and I thought the word preached had great power and a good effort; but the old father is gone, and, we hope to reap his reward. In the fall of 1852 we were organized as a church. At the present the church seems to be in a prospering condition; love and union prevails among the brethren and sisters. Three have been added lately by baptism, and several by letter. Yours in the bonds of the Gospel. G. W. GISH.
Christian Family Companion Aug. 16, 1871 page 530 Vol. VII No. 33 In June, 1852, eight members were baptized at one time. That Fall they were organized, brethren George W. and James Rufus Gish, were called to the ministry. They labored under the disadvantages incident to new organizations, and contended against opposing influences, which no doubt drew forth latent virtues that otherwise would have lain dormant. Since, then brother John Gish was called to the ministry, and latterly brethren Philip Moore and Jacob Kindig, were also set apart for the work of the Lord. Of the first eight baptized seven are still living, of whom three are in the ministry. Since that time several branches were struck off which are supplied with ministers, and are in a prosperous condition. At the time of the Painter Creek church of which the above is a sketch, is said to number about 200 members, to all appearance in a healthy, prosperous condition, manifesting love to one another, and to strangers of the same faith coming among them, of which we have shared a due portion while with them, for which they have our thanks and God the praise; and our prayers are that God may still continue to be with them. D. M. Holsinger, Minonk, Ill., Aug. the 7th. |