Oak Grove Church (Pigeon Creek) (1878-)
Brethren at Work Dec. 12, 1878 page 7 Vol. III No. 50 From Marshall Co., Ill. Dear Brethren:- Brother Enoch Eby cam to us on the 7th of Nov. Commenced meeting on the 8th. The weather was not very favorable some of the time; yet we had a good turn-out and quite an interest was awakened among the people. The order and attention was good during the meeting. On the 14, brother James R. Gish came to brother Ebys assistance. On the 16th, one precious soul united with us by being buried with Christ in baptism. Yes, we may say precious soul, for it was our own dear daughter. Oh! May she be as a bright and shining light in the church of Christ, that other of her young associates may see her good works and soon follow her example. One that had wandered away, retraced her steps, and is again in love and union with the church. On the evening of 16th, we held our first Communion, at the house of brother John M. Fike. A goodly number of the brethren and sister were present. It was indeed a feast of love to our souls; and while commemorating the death and suffering of our blessed Savior, our minds were carried back to the scene on Calvarys height. With an eye of faith we could view Him on the cross bleeding, groaning and dying, that we poor sinful creasers might not perish, but have everlasting life After the evening services were over, we organized a church here, including the members of the Bureau and Putman counties, making in all al church of about forty members a choice was held for the office of speaker and deacon; the lot fell on brother Solomon Darby for speaker, and brother Henry Breese for deacon. May the Lord bless and enable them by his grace divine, to discharge the duties enjoined upon them. We ask an interest in the prayers of all brethren and sisters, for the success for our little church here. The evening of the 17th brings our meeting to a closed, with good impressions, we think, on the minds of the people. May the Lord bless our dear Brethren for their labors of love, while with us here, and may we all be guided by the Divine Spirit. Harriet Buck, Lacon, Ill. ;
Brethren at Work Sept. 20, 1879 page 8 Vol. IV No. 40 From Marshall Co., Illinois Many brethren expressed themselves anxious to hear of our arrival in our new field of labor. We landed in Henry on the morning of 15th, all stood the trip well, the brethren ere of the Pigeon Creek church, will hold their Love-feast on the 4th of October. Hope we may have a good meeting together. Would be please to meet D. E. Price, or some of the brethren from the north end of the district. We would feel at home and be glad to meet some of those whom we met last Spring. C. S. Holsinger.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 30, 1883 page 269 Vol. 21 No. From Pigeon Creek, Ill. Dear Brethren:- Our new meeting-house, just across the line, in Woodford Co., is now completed. The name of the house is Oak Grove. In size it is 26x36, and has a seating capacity of 200. The dedicatory sermon was very appropriate; it was delivered by Bro. John Harshbarger, of Virden, Ill., Oct. 14, form Rom. 12: 1, 2. Below I receipt the money received from churches in Northern Illinois, for our church-house. Rock River, per Saml Riddlesparger, ... $50.00 Pine Creek, per A. T. Cross . . 45.00 Silver Creek. Per Jos. Amick ... 52.50 West Branck, . .. . 20. 00 Lanark, .. 17.50 Cherry Grover, per C. P. Rowland ... 25.00 Shannon Creek, per George E. Studebaker.. 30.00 Arnolds Grover, per J. Y. Heckler / . 28.20 Waddams Grove, per W. K. Moore . . 46.00 Total ... $342.20 We thank you very much for hour liberal donations, and think that with the encouragement received fro the Southern Illinois, at their late District Meeting, we can full pay for our house. I think you will hardly miss the money you have given, while we can now have a place to meet and worship without fear of being deprived of the use of the house, which has been the case when we held our meeting in school-house near where the meeting-house now stands. C. S. Holsinger
The Gospel Messenger June 3, 1905 page 348 page 348 Vol. 44 No. 22 Oak Grove. Our council meeting was held April 29, with Bro. Eshelman presiding. It was decided to change the name of our congregation from Pigeon Creek to Oak Grove. A new roof is to be put on our church and some repairing done. We are to hold a series of meeting in September, but have not yet fully decided on the minister who is to do the preaching. Maggie Lewis, Washburn Woodford Co., Ill., May 20.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 13, 1906 page 28 Vol. 45 No. 2 Oak Grove church met in council. Bro. Eshelman, of Avon, was with us. we have a new roof on our churchhouse. This is the old building that Bro. Rufus Gish built, with the help of Bro. C. S. Nofsinger, now of California. This church at this time was in the northern district of Illinois, better known by the name of Pigeon Creek. But since we have been set over in the southern district, we have changed the name to Oak Grove. This arm of the church has been of late greatly revived in the spiritual work. A goodly number has been added to the ranks. We have nearly forty members. We have been looking for a place to located Bro. Eshelman, of Avon, Ill. He is preaching here every two weeks. Our Sunday school has not frozen out yet. For years this mission point has been greatly neglected until of late. S. S. Holman, Washburn, Ill., Dec. 31 |