Mount Carroll Church (1909-32)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 30, 1909 page 76 Vol. 48 No. 5 Mt. Carroll church met in called council Jan. 13, for the purpose of organizing our church. As we are now divided from the Arnolds Grove congregation. Considerable business came before the meeting. Bro. J. G. Royer was chosen elder for another year, and Bro. Israel Cripe foreman, in the absence of Bro. Rorer. The three deacons, Brethren Noah Blough, W. R. Bratton and J. H. Rohrer, were elected trustees; Bro. H. J. Rohrer, treasurer; the writer clerk. The Sunday school was reorganized, with Bro. Noah Blough, superintendent. We feel encouraged with the outlook. – Ella Wiler, Mt. Carroll, Ill., Jan. 18 |