Pleasant Grove Church (Mount Vernon) (1882-1971) Primitive Christian May 16, 1882 p 316 Vol. 20 No. 20 On the Wing. Dear Brethren: I am now in Union Co., Illinois. My old colleague, John Metsgar is with me. We closed a very interesting meeting last night, and to-day we go to Jefferson Co., Illinois. We organized a church here last week. Brother George Landis was chosen to the minister, the church decided to elect one deacon, but then the choice was held two brethren received an equal number of votes and the church decided to let both stand. The deacons are brethren Adam Hock and Jacob Kendall. May God bless these brethren and keep them faithful. Ministering brethren passing this way will be made welcome if they stop at Makanda on the Illinois Central R. R. Write to Adam Hock or Jacob Kendall, Makanda, Jackson Co., Illinois, and you will be met and cared for by the brethren. Ministering brethren will please pay attention to this newly organized congregation. The brethren need help. Fraternally, John Wise
Brethren at Work Nov. 21, 1882 page 8 Vol. 7 No. 46 From Cerro Gordo, Ill. – Nov. 15. Bear Brethren: - David Frantz and myself boarded the train, the 10th ult., for Jefferson Co., Ill., to visit the brethren and sisters at Mt. Vernon. Found them all to be in love and union. On Saturday we met with the members there, in church council. When nearly ready to open meeting, Eld. Andrew Neher and wife and his mother-in-law from Marion Co., Ill., Came. The meeting was opened according to order, by singing and prayer. After reading a chapter and making a few remarks, the members handed in their letters. After they were read, the question came up, to ascertain if the members were in favor of electing a minister and organize a church at Mt. Vernon. The brethren and sisters when the vote was taken all said, yes. No dissenting voice being heard, a choice was held, the lot falling on Bro. David F. Eby. He is now their minister, and we hope he will prove faithful in the Master’s cause. Brethren, pray for him and the brethren and sisters in their lonesome condition. In the evening we met again to hold a Communion-meeting. It was a feast indeed, that will long be remembered. Had preaching again on Sunday at 10 A. M., and in the afternoon at 3 P. M. will yet say, if members travel from the East or West, North or South, stop, if you can, with the brethren at Mt. Vernon, Ill. Land is cheap; climate mild and pleasant; very good for fruit of all kinds. Brethren with small capital can get a home so as to make a good living. David F. Eby’s address is Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co., Ill. He lives two miles north-west of Mt. Vernon, Ill. John Metzger |