Macedonia Church (1888-?)
The Gospel Messenger June 26, 1888 page 398 Vol. 26 No 25 Tee Coal Creek church, Fulton Co., Ill., We met in quarterly council June 9. Nothing but matters purely pertaining to the spiritual man were before the meeting, and, as a consequence, everything that was before the meeting passed unanimously. This is the kind of union that should characterize God's children. Feeling the importance of prayer as related to a lively Christian growth, and our need of it, we decided to hold a prayer-meeting in the church very Saturday evening, Bro. T, D. Lyon, of Hudson, ILL., was chosen to conduct a series of meetings to begin Sept. 9, and close with communion services. Bro, Lyon is a faithful old veteran of the cross, and we shall feel strengthened by his presence among us. It was decided that an outpost of the main body of the church could organize into an independent congregation to be known as the Macedonia church. This will add one more congregation to the rolls of Southern Illinois, making, I believe, thirty-eight organized churches in the District, One query passed the meeting for the consideration of the District Conference next fall, which it may be well to record, so the ministers of Southern Illinois, and others as well, may be giving it some attention. It is as follows: Coal Creek church requests the District Meeting of 1&S8 of Southern Illinois to formulate a plan to raise funds and procure suitable brethren to preach the doctrine, as understood by the Brethren, in all the towns and cities, in the District, of over two thousand inhabitants.'' To the article, " Is Prohibition Taught in the Bible?" and the way the subject is treated by Bro. Jacob Rife, we give a hearty amen. It is replete with Bible facts and arguments, I decidedly like the prohibitory ring it has. Wish I had five hundred copies of it, in tract form, to use in this and adjoining towns. Can we not have it in tract form? As a church we have no literature on outright prohibition as taught by the Bible. Let Bro. Rife's article, in a more permanent form, fill the vacancy, I. M. Gibson. Farmington, Ill.