Loraine Church (1880-1901)
Brethren at Work Dec. 14, 1880 Page 8 Vol. V No. 50 Virden. I left home on the 1st of December for Loraine, Adams Co., and arrived at H. W. Strickler’s the next day. Elders John Metzger, John Wise, and John Y. Snavely, and a number of other members had already assembled at place of meeting. Dinner over we met in council, organized a new church comprehending in it the members in northern part of Adams county, and those in Hancock county. Bro. Louis Pittiman was installed to the office of deacon, and by unanimous consent, H. W. Strickler was ordained to the full ministry, and the little flock now known as the Loraine church, committed to his car and oversight. Met in the cellar in the evening for communion services. Had excellent order and a good meeting. The next morning we separated, brethren Wise and Snavely each toward his home; Elds. Metzger, Strickler, self and a number of other members to go twenty-five miles south to meet the church at Liberty in council. Met December 4, and agreed to hold an election, first for one brother to the ministry, second for one to the office of deacon. The result of the vote for minister was that a majority of members who came in before the elders, had no choice, therefore no one elected. S. S. Hoover was elected and installed to the office of deacon. Church meeting appointed at Concord March 12 and at Barry, Pike Co., March 19, with a view to organize two more new churches in the present limits of Mill Creek church. Then started for home, Brethren Metzger and Strickler remained over Sunday. Wife, sister and self expect to start to Ohio to-morrow. Daniel Vaniman. Dec. 5. |