Litchfield Church (1889-?)
The Gospel Messenger May 7, 1889 page 299 From the Litchfield Church, Ill. The Litchfield church was organized in the city of Litchfield, Feb. 24, with fourteen members. This has been a District missionary point for some time. Elder Daniel Vaniman did the principal part of the preaching. The members at this place belong to the Macoupin Creek church, but with the above membership, it was thought best, all things considered, for them to be organized into a separate local church. Elders Daniel Vaniman and M. J. McClure met with then on the above date, and effected an organization. Bro. J. P. Studebaker was elected deacon and Eld. David Troxel, of Cerro Gordo, chosen as overseer. This is a promising point. Their Sunday-school reached eighty in December, but had to be closed on account of not having a convenient place to meet. They have preaching twice each month, and prayer-meeting weekly. All of their meetings are held in private houses. They have no minister at present. It has been arranged that Bro. Troxel is to meet with them on the second Sunday of each month, and the writer, in person or by substitute, on the fourth Sunday. The Missionary Board will aid financially. All a recent council the church decided to make an effort to build a meeting-house and requested aid form the Missionary Board. They need a house very badly, but are not able to do much themselves. I feel that great responsibility is resting on the Missionary Board in the consideration of such questions. Minister passing are requested to preach for them! G. W. Gibson, Girard, Ill |