La Motte Prairie Church (1868-)
Christian Family Companion Jan. 12, 1869 page 29 Vol. V No. 3 Christian Family Companion Jan. 12, 1869 page 29 Vol. V No. 3 Dear Brethren and Sisters of the Southern District of Illinois, I left my home on the morning of the 16th of Nov. for Secor, our nearest station. Met Brother John Fitz on the train, on the Lagansport and Peoria R. R., thence east to Gillman, to the crossing of the Illinois C. Branch, thence south to Okaw, Coles county. Arrived about dark. Was met by Brother John Roberts, who took us to this home and kindly supplied our wants. We here had four meeting; attendance rather small, owing to bad weather. But attention good. Here is a good opening for a ministering brother, as they have no preaching only when brethren call. Left there on the 19th. Conveyed by brother J. R. 40 miles to the house of brother David Rothrock, Cumberland county. Here we had four meeting and one communion. Wednesday, 25th, conveyed by brother D. R. to Crawford county, 30 miles, to the home of brother A. Hyre. We here met the members in council; organized a church; held an electing which resulted in the choice of brother J. P. Horning for Speaker and Isaac Horning, Deacon. Had two meetings and one communion. 28th returned to Cumberland county. Had five meetings at West Union S. H. and three at brother Jas. McBride’s. Baptized 3, held an election, and brother John Grim was chosen to the ministry, and brother Jas. McBride for Deacon. May the Lord bless the little band of brethren and sisters here, and the brethren should assist them all they can. Dec.1st, left brother D. Rothrock’s, traveled 22 miles in wagon to Charlestown, took the cars from home, arrived Wednesday evening. Out 17 days. We here would tender our thanks to the kind brethren and sisters for the love they manifested to us. Found all well. To the Lord be all the praise. J. R. Gish & John Fitz Secor, Illinois.
Primitive Christian April 4, 1876 page 222 Vol. 1 No. 14 Hutsonville, Ills, March 12, 1876 Dear Brethren editors: Wishing to let the brethren-especially ministering brethren-know that there is a small band of brethren in this part of the Vineyard, hence this epistle. This arm of the church-Lamotte Prairie church-is situated in Crawford county, Ills. near the line of the Paris and Danville railroad, the nearest station being at Hutsonville. The church was organized in the autumn of 1868, and if I have been correctly informed, the number of members was 9, all having certificates of membership. We now member about 40: five or six were admitted by letter, the rest by baptism. At the time of organization there were four brethren and five sisters, one, namely, Absalom Hyre, being a minister in the second degree. – An election was held at that time, for one minister in the second degree. – an election was held at that time, for one minister and deacon; the result was that brother J. P. Horning was selected for a minister, and brother Isaac Horning for a deacon. Since then brother J. P. Horning advanced to the second degree. At our love feast in 1873, a choice was held for one minister and two deacons. The lot fell upon brother Jacob Swinger, the ministry and brothers Daniel and Henry Stoner, deacons, yet our ministerial force is not adequate, from the fact, that the field is so large, and our elder has the oversight of a little church in an adjoining county (Lawrence), about twenty five miles south of us. if ministers, while passing to and fro through the country, would give us a call, it would cheer our hearts, help us on our way to Zion, and perhaps induce some sinner to leave the broad way and consent to walk in the narrow one. H. R. King