Kniman Church (1894-1895?)
The Gospel Messenger June 12, 1894 page 32 No. 23 A New Organization at Kniman, Jasper Co., Ind. There were some brethren and sister living here, in this isolated place, for a number of years. They had no meeting till about a year ago, when the Mission Board took charge of this place, and held regular appointments. By faithfully working, some wandering souls came to Christ, and other were restored, while others moved in, making, in all, about twenty-six members. According to previous arrangements, the Mission Board, - brethren Toney, Shively, Snowberger and Grossnickle, -came for the purpose of organizing a church, May 12, 1894. They also held a Communion meeting. Brethren Swihart and Heeter were present to assist in the work. Bro. Shively conducted the organization meeting. Bro. Henry Fisher was chosen as Treasurer and Bro. J. W. Mow as Secretary of the church. After that two deacons were elected. The lot fell upon brethren John Beachler and J. K. Mow. After the organization two precious souls were buried with Christ by baptism. We then gathered at the place previously appointed for Communion service. The Communion was an enjoyable season, - on to be long remembered, not only by the brethren and sisters, but by the spectators, some of whom, we hope, it has caused to reflect on their condition. J. S. Mow
The Gospel Messenger June 26, 1894 page 33 No. 25 Mission Work At the District Meeting of the Middle District of Indiana, held at North Manchester, a request was made to have a report of the missionary work published in the Messenger. We therefore submit the following: About Jan. 1 1893, Bro. Aaron Swihart, of Northern Indiana, preached the first Brethren’s discourse, at Kniman, Jasper County, Ind. Some time after that, the Mission Board of Middle District of Indiana began work there, and arranged to hold monthly meeting. The attention was good; and the interest seemed to be gradually increasing. At a meeting held there by the writer in April last, the members request an organization. Therefore, in counsel with them and Bro. Swihart, we appointed May 12 to prefect said organization. Brethren Swihart, D. P. Shively; John Snowberger, E. M. Grosnickle, Gorman B. Heeter and the writer met with them and affected the organization with twenty-five members and two applicants for baptism. Bro. Joshua Mow was chosen Clerk; Bro. Henry Fisher Treasurer; brethren John Beechler and Joshua Mow were elected deacons. The name chosen for the organization was Kniman. After the close of the organization, a few of us repaired to Wolf Creek “where prayer was wont to be made” and two dear souls were buried with Christ in baptism. In the evening we met in a hay barn in town of Kniman for Communion services, the barn was probably one-third of baled hay, which was so arranged as to gradually raise the seats as they receded from the tables. The congregation was large; and the attentions and order were indeed very good. About thirty members surrounded the Lord’s Table. – some of them for the first time. Services were held in the barn on Sunday morning following the Communion; also in the afternoon, with good attention and interest. Kniman is situated near the Northern boundary of the Middle District of Indiana, and as there are some members living in the Southern part of the Northern District, we arranged to hold two meeting in Northern Indiana and two at Kniman each trip, and Northern Indiana to do likewise. By this arrangement meetings will be held twice a month at each place. We believe much good can be accomplished at those places in the near future. But out joy was turned to sorrow as we neared home and learned that a dear son was very Ill with lung fever. He only lived two days after our return. This makes our once happy home very sad and lonely, but may we ever put our trust in him that doeth all things well. W. S. Toney |