Kaskaskia Church (1886-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 28, 1886 page 604 Vol. 24 No. 28 We just closed a ten days’ meeting in the eastern part of Fayette Co., Ill. Preached eleven sermons; baptized two. On Sept. 11, a council and communion were held. Bro. James Simpkins was elected deacon. A new church was organized, with Granville Nevinger as minister and Jas. Simpkins, deacon. The membership number twenty-eight, with good prospects for more in the near future. Eld. Henry Lilligh and ten other members, from Mulberry Grove church, were present at the council and communion, for of whom were deacons, whose presence and help at this new place, where no communion had ever been held before, were highly appreciated. But few of the people, including more than half of the members of this new church, had ever before seen a communion held by the Brethren. Thirty-seven communicants and a large number of spectators were present. The new church was named Kaskaskia church, because of the members live along the Kaskaskia River. The Central railroad is the line between the Kaskaskia and Mulberry Grover churches. Eld. Henry Lilligh, of Mulberry Grove church, has the oversight of the new church. Had good meeting and a very enjoyable communion. One sister lived here twenty years, during which time she had no opportunity to go to communion. Daniel Vaniman
The Gospel Messenger Mar. 22, 1887 page 188 Vol. 25, No. 12, From the Kaskaskia Church, Fayette Co., Ill. This church was organized Sept. 11, 1886, and is under the care of Eld. Henry Lilligh, of Bond Co. Bro. G. Nevinger is the only minister here, but he is full of zeal. They commenced meetings on the 2nd of February; on the 6th we went to their aid, and found a good interest already worked up. Three had already been baptized, and there was one applicant; there was also a growing interest in the meetings. The neighbors and friends in this part of God's moral vineyard realize that life is the time to prepare for death. We expect to stay here till about the 21st, when we shall, the Lord willing, go to the Hogue school-house, about five miles south-west of here, where about half of the members live. The Brethren in this church have no meeting-house, but are using the two school-houses until they can build a suitable house of their own, which project is now in contemplation. The plan is already adopted, solicitors and a building committee are appointed, and they are pushing forward to the work. We would recommend those of our co-laboring brethren who have a little means to spare for traveling expenses, and who feel cramped for want of room, to come this way. The Brethren here will appreciate their help, and God will bless their efforts, and crown their labors with eternal life in the world to come. Address Granville Nevinger, Beecher City, Effingham Co., Ill. Feb. 15, 1887. H. W. Strickler.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 6, 1900 page 12 Vol. 38 No. 1 Hissong. — Dec. 20, elders J. H. Baker and J. H. Brubaker met the Kaskaskia church in council. By the approval of every member present, Bro. David T. Wagner was ordained to the full ministry. Last September brethren Herbert Wadelow, Richard Dooly and Thomas N. Sluder were elected to the deacon's office. We now have two active elders, one minister in the second degree and six deacons. — Granville Nevinger, Dec. 29.