Freeport Church (1920-)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 4, 1920 page 740 Vol. 69 No. 49 Freeport.—Oct. 3 we held a special meeting for the purpose of organizing our church, which was previously a mission point. Brethren S. S. Plum and C. C. Price, both members of the Mission Board, were present to assist in the organization. Our pastor, Bro. G. G. Canfield, was chosen as elder. Brethren Jos. Richards, Jos. Lapp and Herman Dornink were elected deacons. We held our. love feast Nov. 7, with fifty- six members present. Four have been received into the church recently. Bro. Stover, of India, was with us several weeks ago and gave a very interesting lecture concerning his work on the mission field.—Mrs. H. C. Dornink, Freeport, Ill., Nov. 20. |