Decatur Church (1910-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 26, 1910 page 780 Vol. 49 No. 48 Decatur.-Our mission met in council on the evening of Nov. 16 Bro. George Miller, of La Place, presided. He is the assistant to our elder, Bro. John Arnold, of La Place. Seven Utters of membership were received. Two of them were Brother and Sister Garber, of Allison Prairie. We are glad to have them among us again. Bro. Henry Dubes was reelected superintendent of our Sunday-school for 1911, and Sister Ida Ikenberry Is secretary. Our Sunday-school is prospering very nicely. About one hundred scholars are present nearly every Sunday. We have about sixty-four members at this place at present we decided to organize ourselves into a congregation our love feast will be held on Thanksgiving 'evening at six o'clock. We ask the prayers of our Brotherhood In behalf of the Decatur mission, that we may grow stronger and do more good for the cause of our Master, who has done so much for us.—H. G. Albright, 1021 E Clar St. Decatur. Ill., Nov. 17.
The Gospel Messenger March 18, 1911 page 168 Vol. 50 No. 11 The permanent organization at Decatur, Ill., was effected last December, and the congregation is known as the First Church of the Brethren of Decatur. During the late series of meetings six persons were received by baptism and two await the rite. |